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Tax Grievances
Remember, in Suffolk County grievance day is the 3rd Tuesday in May., The valuation date is July 1, or the prior year.
is your home valued properly? If the market value of your residence is valued for less (the towns indicated value), you are eligible for a tax reduction.
Property Assessments are based on a percentage of “market value” defined as the most probable price which a property would bring in a competitive and open market.
The market value of your property, based on the Town Assessor’s estimate, is often found on your property tax bill.
The foundation to proving your grievance is a recent purchase or appraisal.
A certified appraisal will provide a credible benchmark to check the accuracy of the counties’ value.
The current RAR (residential assessment ratio) is .63
• To check your market value: total AV x RAR (Assessed Value x RAR )= market value)
• Is this consistent with the true value?
Paul Dyckes has been providing real property valuations for residences and businesses for years through out Nassau and Suffolk, helping homeowners and local commercial business owners save money in taxes. An independent appraisal, completed as of the date of valuation, provides you the ammunition to make your case, and potentially lower your taxes for subsequent years.
How to challenge Assessment:
- Hire an attorney or engage a tax reduction firm
- Protest yourself
Process is simple:
- Visit your towns website and download the grievance form
- engage a local, experienced appraiser to perform a property valuation.
For grievance procedures and forms, visit the towns website or stop your local assessor for further information. The step-by-step instructions are available on line The assessors office is their to assist you in completing the form.
Benefits of completing the grievance yourself:
- No contract
- 100% savings
- Appraisal fee starting at $395.